Thursday 1 September 2011

Social Media Strategy

Social Media Strategy for our web feature
Image: Karen Ng

The social media strategy is based on the metaphor suggested by Chris Brogan, and is demonstrated by Darren Rowse in this video.

Brogan suggests that bloggers should treat their blogs as home bases and connect them to different outposts. Examples are social media such as Facebook, twitter and Flickr, depending on the nature of the blog and the target audience. This has inspired our social media strategy for the web feature blog and here are the social networking sites which we will be using to drive traffic to our blog:

1. Facebook: It is a popular social networking site which allows users to interact with each other using different applications on the site. Facebook has over 750 million active users and they spend over 700 billion minutes per month on the site. Our group has set up a Facebook page which will be connected to the web feature. The facebook page will introduce our web feature to the facebook users and attract them to visit our blog.

2. Twitter: Sometimes referred as SMS of the internet, Twitter is famous for its function of instant news sharing. An example is the first hand disclosure of Bin Laden’s death before the official announcement by President Barack Obama. Our group has set up a twitter account to follow important sources such as AJ English and Yalda Hakim. We will also disseminate our blog updates to our followers through twitter.

3. Youtube: Youtube is a video-sharing website which allows users to share and view varies of videos on the site. Ranging from music video to news segment, Youtube has become a great source of entertainment and information for viewers. Our group had created a YouTube channel which contains videos that are related to our web feature blog. It can visually present our ideas to the audience and give them an interesting way to look at the issue.

4. Google+: Google plus is a news social networking device created by Google. It is similar to facebook but places more focus on group sharing. Users can create their own ‘friends circle’ and share materials such as photos, links and even academic articles with the people in that particular circle. Our group will set up a Google+ account and connect it to our blog so interested audience can be informed with our updates and progress.

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